Sunday, January 30, 2011

What's on your bucket list?

visit the grand canyon
travel by mobile home to the west coast up from southern cali to Northern Washington State and back to Maryland.
learn a different language - chinese, japanese or russian
watch the sun rise over the grand canyon and set over the pacific ocean
watch my children grow up

Sunday, August 22, 2010

More action in good ole Germantown, summer of 2010!

Lets see, Germantown has seen alot of weather related incidents this year!  An precedented BLIZZARD that cost us some serious money and an old rusty shed, oh and my magnolia tree and my sanity....then an earthquake that came from outa no where, well underground that shook us up a bit.  I thought it was someone blowing up the Dept of Energy, or an airplane getting ready to crash. It sounded like an Amtrak train was running across our front lawn. Scary!!  Then... the thunderstorms and tornado warnings(kids stayed in the basement on that one) that scared the crap outa me(hate tornadoes but yet facinated by them...go figure).  Hope we have a fairly calm Fall and Winter!  I love Fall, it's my favorite season! :)